Understanding email notification
The GCF can generate email notifications under several conditions. These notifications help to confirm that the GCF is working properly and to avoid transfers from being overlooked.
Error notifications
The GCF generates email notifications for errors using the settings configured in the vault's configuration file as described in Configuring the general settings.
Document transfers
The GCF can generate optional email notifications when transfer operations occur. Transfers can occur two ways:
- Initiated by users with the Enlist GCF Vault and Transfer Ownership commands as described in the BlueCielo Meridian Global Collaboration Framework User's Guide. If the user enters the email options, that information is sent to the destination site where the email notifications are generated. Any body text typed by the user is appended to text that is automatically calculated at the remote site. New email addresses typed by users are saved as described in GCFEmails table so that they can be selected for reuse later.
- Initiated by the VBScript GCFInitiateTransfer function described in GCFInitiateTransfer function. If the email parameters are specified, they are sent to the destination site where the email notifications are generated. Any body text typed by the user is appended to text that is automatically calculated at the remote site.
The email subject and body text can be customized as described in GCFNotificationMessage function. The SMTP server that is used for all email notifications is configured in the vault's configuration file as described in Configuring the general settings.